www.oasisinet.com 17/05/2018
www.obc.es 09/04/2018
www.ohiosoulrecordings.com 18/10/2016
www.ohiosounds.com 18/10/2016
www.okayplayer.com 2/28/2025
Okayplayer. Hip Hop News - New Hip Hop. Okayplayer provides the freshest
new hip hop and hip hop news. Bringing you true notes since 1987.
www.oldhatrecords.com 2/28/2025
Old Hat Records. Quality Reissues of Vintage American Music. Old Hat
Records was formed in 1997 as a label devoted to quality reissues of vintage
American music, coupled with thorough historical research.
www.olefick.dk/burn 30/11/2019 Burnin Red Ivanhoe.
www.omm.de 30/03/2020
www.onestowatch.com 12/22/2023
Ones To Watch. Discover new artists and upcoming shows at Ones To Watch!
www.oniwytars.de 28/04/2018
www.orientispartibus.com 25/05/2019
Orientis Partibus. Ensamble di musica medioevale e rinascimentale
www.oscarherrero.es 03/11/2020
Oscar Herrero. Músico. Guitarrista flamenco, compositor y pedagogo
especializado en la didáctica del flamenco. Fundador de Oscar Herrero
www.oscarmulero.com 03/11/2020
Oscar Mulero. Enjoy the official website of the spanish DJ &
Producer Oscar Mulero based on 'Residency', a new concept by THIRTY5 Design.
www.otik-ev.de 28/04/2018
www.paginadamusica.com.br 06/09/2020
P gina da M sica. Onde a MPB Acontece.
www.parisdjs.com 11/05/2018
www.parkening.com 22/12/2021
Christopher Parkening is celebrated as one of the world’s preeminent
virtuosos of the classical guitar.
www.parkersrc.com 03/04/2020
www.partyhog.com 18/03/2017
www.partyvibe.com/forums 18/03/2017
www.pastemagazine.com 26/04/2021 Paste Magazine is your source for the best
music, movies, TV, comedy, videogames, books, comics, craft beer, politics and
more. Discover your favorite albums and films.
www.pastperfect.com 2/28/2025 Past
Perfect Vintage Music remasters original 78rpm records; 1920s, 30s 40s &
50s popular music onto CDs, downloads and streaming.
www.paulhostetter.com 25/04/2021
Paul Hostetter. Conductor Paul Hostetter holds the Ethel Foley
Distinguished Chair in Orchestral Activities for the Schwob School of Music at
Columbus State University and is the Artistic Director of the Music Under the
Dome Series as well as the Principal Conductor and Artistic Adviser of the
Ensemble Flageolet.
www.paulmccartney.com 2/28/2025 Paul McCartney. Explore Paul’s musical
journey, through thousands of images, videos, books, podcasts, and more.
www.pbvinyl.com 09/12/2017
www.pecan-pie.org 09/04/2017 Pecan Pie música i cultura, associació
cultural. Sempre és una mica complicat parlar d’uns mateixos però pens que és
important que si has caigut en aquesta pàgina coneguis un poc de la
intra-història de Pecan Pie.
www.performingarts.vt.edu 23/08/2017 School of Performing Arts. Virginia Tech.
www.petererskine.com 20/02/2018
www.philberkowitz.com 11/04/2018
www.phonicarecords.com 09/12/2017
www.piadrum.com 03/11/2020 Piadrum Records.
www.piccadillyrecords.com/counter/index.php 09/12/2017
www.piedmonttalent.com 14/04/2017
www.pinkisthenewblog.com 26/03/2017
www.pinklineproject.com 26/03/2017
www.pluggedrecords.com 12/19/2024
Plugged Sweden, a distributor with its own import as well as wholesale
end retail. Plugged distributes some of the most wellknown Nordic record
labels: Gazell, Four Leaf Clover, Moserobie, Stunt and Storyville to name a
www.podomatic.com/podcasts/trincheirafirme 30/06/2017 RÁDIO TRINCHEIRA FIRME, para recordar um dos
momentos mais conturbados da história de Angola (25 de Abril de 1974 - 11 de
Novembro de 1975), quando os ânimos ideológicos e demagógicos estiveram
perigosamente inflamados.
www.poemhunter.com/chuck-berry/biography 04/05/2018 Charles Edward Anderson "Chuck"
Berry (born October 18, 1926) is an American guitarist, singer and songwriter,
and one of the pioneers of rock and roll music.
www.pollstar.com 17/10/2021
www.polyvinylrecords.com 07/01/2021
Polyvinyl Records. Artists, News, Music. Shop Vinyl, Merch, Music and
More. Polyvinyl’s mission is to support passionate, independently minded
artists in creating timeless work, growing their careers and reaching their
highest potential.
www.ponybaldwin.com 20/08/2019
www.popmatters.com/music 06/05/2018
www.popnews.com 2/28/2025
POPnews. Le webzine de la pop.
www.postenlive.dk 02/05/2020
Musikhuset Posten, der ligger i hjertet af Odense, lægger altid vægt på
at præsentere publikum for livemusik af høj kvalitet.
www.post-punk.com 17/01/2020
www.potencialhardcore.org 05/04/2020 Potencial Hardcore.
www.potlatch.fr 22/07/2018
www.pragueproms.cz/cz 22/08/2019
www.prensariomusica.com 21/02/2018
www.prestoclassical.co.uk/classical 11/07/2018
www.prfdance.org 29/03/2019
www.prijb.com 14/03/2019
www.prijb.com/jazzsoc.htm 14/03/2019
www.prjc.org 30/05/2017
The Potomac River Jazz Club is a nonprofit society whose purpose is to
preserve, encourage and promote the playing and appreciation of traditional
www.pssl.com 05/06/2017
www.punknews.org 17/09/2019
www.purposerecords.com 12/06/2018
www.queenitalia.it 18/10/2016
www.queenlive.ca 4/6/2022
Queenlive is a comprehensive concert information database of Queen, one
of rock's most celebrated, innovative, and influential live bands.
www.queennet.com.br 4/6/2022
Queen Net. Simplesmente.
www.queenonline.com 18/10/2016
www.queenonstage.com 18/10/2016
www.queenpedia.com/index.php 18/10/2016
www.queenpluspaulrodgers.com 18/10/2016
www.queensongs.info 4/6/2022
Queen Songs. A project comprising the information about song writting
and recording of Queen songs.
www.quemasucabeza.com 25/11/2017
www.radiostaddenhaag.com 21/11/2019
Radio Stad Den Haag. Internet Radio Italo Disco, High Nrg and Dance from
the 80´s streaming 24/7.
www.railbenders.com 14/02/2022
Official website of the the Railbenders, a hard country band from
Denver, Colorado.
www.raylynch.com 23/05/2017
www.rcmfest.org 10/28/2023
Redwood Coast Music Festival is an annual music
festival in scenic Eureka, CA.
www.recorderhomepage.net 07/12/2020
www.recordheaven.net 04/06/2019
www.recording.org 04/06/2019
www.recordingconnection.com 04/06/2019
www.recordingpioneers.com 04/06/2019
www.recordkicks.com 04/06/2019
www.reedviolins.com 25/05/2019
John F. Reed Violins. Builder & Restorer of Fine Instruments.
www.reflectionsofdarkness.com 12/06/2018
www.regioactive.de 12/08/2019
Regioactive liefert Inhalte aus dem Bereich Musik, Szene und
Live-Kultur. Wir berichten über Veranstaltungen und Künstler und stellen
gleichzeitig für beides Recherchemöglichkeiten zur Verfügung.
www.reinildmees.com 28/01/2021
Reinild Mees: The official web site of Dutch pianist & accompanist
Reinild Mees.
www.relix.com 27/10/2016
www.returntocamden.org 25/04/2020
The Return To London Town Festival. London’s Festival of Irish
Traditional Irish Music, Song & Dance.
www.reverendhortonheat.com 22/11/2019
www.revistacaramella.cat 15/09/2020
Revista Caramella. L’any 1999 davant el buit que existeix d’una
publicació sobre temes de música i cultura popular, tres entitats d’aquest
àmbit i ubicades en diferents punts dels Països Catalans.
www.revistaeletricidade.com.br 01/09/2020
Revista Eletricidade. Revista Online com tudo o que mais te interessa:
Música, Cinema, Livros, Entretenimento, Artes e Novidades. Revista
Eletricidade, o Mundo do Entretenimento a distância de um click!
www.revistamusicabrasileira.com.br 23/07/2018
www.revistamusical.cat 3/6/2023
Revista Musical Catalana. Al llarg d’aquests anys, s’han publicat més de
400 entrevistes a primeres figures del món de la música, tant a nivell nacional
com internacional, i hi han escrit articles més de 650 col·laboradors.
www.rickshea.com 19/04/2020
www.righteousbabe.com 15/03/2019
www.ritachiarelli.com 7/21/2024 Rita Chiarelli, Canada's most highly
acclaimed female roots and blues artist, has just released the soundtrack for
her award winning documentary, Music From The Big House, her 9th recording.
www.ritahosking.com 23/02/2018
www.ritalee.com.br 23/02/2018
www.rlsto.net/Nooz 20/10/2016
www.robsinclair.com 23/05/2017
www.robstone.com 24/05/2017
www.rocheviolins.com/html/traditional_irish_music.html 22/02/2015
www.rockabilly.net/main.shtml 22/11/2019
www.rockabillyhall.com 22/11/2019
www.rockabillyhamburg.de 4/14/2022
Der Rockabilly Store auf St.Pauli in Hamburg. Herzlich willkommen auf
der Shopseite des Boom Chicka Boom Stores in Hamburg St.Pauli! Was mit
Tonträgern begann, ist zu einen kleinen feinen Laden gewachsen.
www.rockhall.com 11/04/2021
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. In 1985, when the Rock & Roll Hall of
Fame Foundation was deciding where to open its physical museum, Cleveland threw
its hat into the ring for consideration.
www.rocking.gr 11/09/2016
www.rockinjake.com 28/09/2016
www.rockinjasondwilliams.com 17/08/2020
Rockin' Jason D. Williams. Raw, Vintage Boogie! Jason D. Williams has
spent a lifetime behind the piano connecting with country and rock 'n' roll
greats while creating a persona that's 100% original.
www.rockinon.co.jp 25/06/2020
www.rockinrace.com 28/09/2016
www.rollingstone.com 2/28/2025
Rolling Stone. Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage. Get the
latest Rolling Stone news with exclusive stories and pictures from Rolling
www.rollingstone.com/music 4/14/2022
Music. Rolling Stone.
www.rootinaround.com/archived/index.html 06/01/2018
www.rootsworld.com/rw 01/12/2019
Roots World: a magazine and radio program of world music, roots and folk
music; and an extensive collection of articles, reviews and audio features.
www.rory.de 27/11/2019
www.rorygallagher.com 27/11/2019
www.roryon.com 27/11/2019
www.roughtraderecords.com/artists 11/04/2017
www.roughtraderecords.com/news 11/04/2017
www.rslblog.com 30/11/2019
Ryan’s Smashing Life. Music and Entertainment.
www.rubenblades.com 12/22/2023
Ruben Blades. Latin Music icon Rubén Blades was at the center of the New
York Salsa revolution in the 1970s.
www.rubinsalz.com 3/25/2023
Laura Jeannin. Baroque & Modern Violin. Laura Jeannin performs
regularly on period and modern instruments in the US, Europe, New Zealand and
www.rubinstein.ws 3/25/2023
Marion Rubinstein. I spent my earliest childhood in a musical family in
England, and moved to Palo Alto just before my 13th birthday.
www.rwcc.com 03/11/2020 Rick Wakeman's Place. Information about Rick
Wakeman, the world renowned keyboard player both as a member of YES and as a
solo artist.
www.saimelrecords.com 17/12/2019
Saimel es un sello discográfico dedicado a la edición de bandas sonoras,
tanto de películas estrenadas recientemente como de otras que en su día no
tuvieron edición de su banda sonora.
www.salzburgerfestspiele.at 08/06/2020
Die Salzburger Festspiele wurden vor mehr als 90 Jahren von Hugo von
Hofmannsthal, Max Reinhardt und Richard Strauss gegründet und sind mehr denn je
ein Magnet.
www.sanbernardinosymphony.org 21/04/2020
www.schoenberg.at/index.php/de 18/03/2020
www.sdjp.org 10/28/2023
San Diego Jazz Party. The renowned San Diego Jazz Party carries on a
rich tradition of presenting classic, mainstream jazz to the public on an
annual basis.
www.sdopera.org 22/08/2019
www.seanwatkins.com 27/01/2022
www.sfcelticmusic.com 2/28/2025
Traditional Celtic Music of Ireland, Scotland, Cape Breton and Brittany
in the San Francisco Bay area - the traditional music --a calendar of upcoming
events, local resources, and CD reviews.
www.sfems.org 12/22/2023
The San Francisco Early Music Society is the Bay Area’s portal for early
music, promoting engagement with historically informed performance spanning
centuries and cultures, and creating a community reflective of our region’s
www.sfsymphony.org 1/1/2023
The San Francisco Symphony is an award-winning symphony, led by Music
Director Esa-Pekka Salonen. The San Francisco Symphony exists to inspire and
serve audiences and communities throughout the Bay Area and the world through
the power of musical performance.
www.sfsymphony.org/EducationCommunity 1/1/2023
Classical Music Education & Community. The San Francisco Symphony
provides music education for every public school child in San Francisco. Learn
more about our education and community programs.
www.shakuhachi.com 2/28/2025
Shakuhachi-Traditional Japanese Bamboo Flutes. Traditional Musical
Instruments of Japan used for zen Buddhist meditation, classical, jazz &
folk music.
www.shelleyking.com 14/04/2018
www.shelleymiller.net 14/04/2018
www.showbuehne-musicals.de 18/05/2019
www.shrimpcityslim.com/home.html 30/11/2019
www.sialkotpak.com 21/02/2021
www.sicsic.de 08/06/2019
www.side-line.com 08/06/2019
www.sideone.pl 08/06/2019
www.silke-avenhaus.de 06/01/2018
www.silkheart.se 06/01/2018
www.simonv.com 29/09/2016
www.sinatra.com 28/02/2022
Frank Sinatra. The official site for the American singer and actor, with
music, videos, news, merch, and a timeline of important milestones from his
www.skydaddy.com 2/28/2025
SKYDADDY. Music From America’s Premier Teen Cream Dream.
www.slumberlandrecords.com/news 12/02/2017
www.sodastereo.com 30/11/2019
Sitio Oficial de Soda Stereo.
www.somewherethereismusic.com 20/03/2020
Somewhere there is music or a musical peregrination through buried
treasures, lost masterpieces, obscure gems, ultimate grails, underestimated
albums, so-so outsider releases and maybe crap according to some people.
www.sondheimguide.com 07/12/2020
www.songsterr.com 2/28/2025
Guitar Tabs with Rhythm. Songsterr. Guitar, bass and drum tabs &
chords with free online tab player. Play along with original audio. Huge
selection of over a million tabs.
www.souljazzorchestra.com 06/03/2021
www.soulmusic.com 06/03/2021
www.soul-source.co.uk 06/03/2021
www.soulspain.com 03/12/2019
www.soulstrut.com 03/12/2019
www.soundsblog.it 16/11/2021
www.soundtrackcollector.com 16/11/2021
www.southern.com 19/03/2017
www.staar.at 05/05/2020
www.staatsoper.de 05/05/2020
Bayerische Staatsoper. Die Bayerische Staatsoper gehört weltweit zu den
führenden Opernhäusern und blickt stolz auf eine über 350 Jahre währende
Geschichte von Oper und Ballett zurück.
www.staatsoper-berlin.de/de 05/05/2020
Staatsoper Berlin. Die Staatsoper Unter den Linden in Berlin vereint
275-jährige Tradition mit künstlerischer Moderne.
www.steelguitar-karahn.de 1/16/2023
Rüdiger Karahn. Pedal Steel Guitar für Studio- und Bühnenarbeit.
www.steeljj.com 1/16/2023
Johan Jansen (JJ) is a well-known Dutch master of the pedalsteelguitar.
He has played and recorded with almost every Dutch artist for many years.
www.stereophile.com 14/11/2017
Stereophile covers everything high-end and audiophile audio. Turntables
and music servers, to solid-state and tube amplifiers and preamps, to
www.stevietombstone.net 04/11/2020
Stevie Tombstone. American Songwriter. Best-kept secret, Stevie
Tombstone, is a quintessential troubadour, a veteran musician who crafts
powerful folk songs tinged with classic country and vintage blues influences.
www.stolie.com 19/12/2016
www.stormymondays.com 23/08/2017
www.stormymondays.com/biblioteca/discograficas.pdf 23/08/2017
www.stormymondays.com/biblioteca/pirateria.htm 23/08/2017
www.stormymondays.com/letras 23/08/2017
www.stormymondays.com/rainydays 23/08/2017
www.stretta-music.com 03/12/2019
Stretta Music. Notenblätter, Notenbücher und Musikalien. Noten,
Musikalien und Zubehör. Musiknoten und Play Along zum sofortigen Download,
Arrangements für viele Instrumente, Gesang und Chor!
www.strictlycountryrecords.com/en/home 03/12/2019
www.studionewmusic.ru 06/01/2022
www.sturgillsimpson.com 31/03/2018
www.sublimefrequencies.com 18/06/2019
www.sukothai.com/X4.BS.html 20/10/2016
www.sunflowerfest.org 03/07/2018
The first Sunflower River Blues Festival took place in 1988 and was
funded primarily by Clarksdale's downtown merchants and organized by Jim O'Neal
and Dr. Patricia Johnson.
www.supersonus.eu 28/04/2018
www.suzyoleson.com 24/08/2019
www.sweetwater.com 04/05/2017
www.swerquin.net 16/06/2018
www.swingingsteaks.com 16/03/2021
www.swingland.com 16/03/2021
www.sydneyoperahouse.com 07/09/2020 Sydney Opera House. While the doors to the
Opera House might be closed for now, we’re bringing our House to yours with our
new digital program of weekly live recordings, never-before-seen footage, as
well as podcasts, articles, videos and more.
www.symphonyofscience.com 30/11/2019 Symphony of Science is a musical mashup series created by composer and filmmaker melodysheep which aims to spread science and philosophy through remixes of prominent scientific thinkers.